Sharing music through generations

Ruben Moreno has been playing mariachi music since the spring of 1974. The genre fell into his lap after a knee injury playing football at the University of Arizona sent him to the hospital. While recovering the Tucson native ran into his former Little League coach whose son was looking for a trumpet player to…

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Pediatricians and the pushback against vaccinations

By GABRIELLA VUKELIC Arizona Sonora News Service There are a lot of reasons that medical professionals hear from parents who decline to have their children vaccinated. Nicole Bencs, a clinical instructor and nurse practitioner at the University of Arizona’s College of Nursing, discussed her views on skeptical parents: “I’ve heard so many times that parents don’t vaccinate…

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Having faith through climate change

  Climate Change and faith aren’t two ideas you often hear in the same sentence. Yet there is a long history of religious thought about the role of humans as stewards of the environment. In recent years, almost all major religions in the world have taken steps forward in their mission to care for the…

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UA professors take the fight to citrus greening

Under threat from a crippling, deadly bacteria, the Arizona Department of Agriculture is escalating its war against a disease crippling the nation’s citrus crops by expanding quarantine zones throughout Arizona and enlisting the help of some of the University of Arizona’s brightest minds. The bacteria, also known as Huanglongbing, functions as an infectious disease and…

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