Border agents crack down on First Amendment rights

Border patrol officers and agents regularly harass, intimidate and threaten citizens and journalists alike who take photos from public rights of way at border patrol entries and do the same when they take photos of agents either there or in the field. Such harassment, including demanding people stop taking photos without a reason, is one of…

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Mexican border centers give migrants resting place

NOGALES, Sonora –  Within the Albergue para Migrantes San Juan Bosco, adorned by Virgin Mary shrines and migrant-rights posters, hides rows of bunk beds filled with migrants resting after their journeys to and from the United States. Since 1982, Juan Francisco Loureiro and his wife, Gilda, have provided food, shelter and clothing to thousands of…

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Business owners in Nogales, Son., still hurting, doubting government’s ability to bring in more tourists

The sidewalks lining Calle Alvaro Obregón were packed with families – men, women and children craning their necks to watch red, white and green floats parade down the main street of Nogales, Sonora. A military procession followed vaqueros on horseback, children in school uniforms and girls in traditional Mexican dresses. The colors of Mexico hung…

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