The epidemic of white male suicide

White men are killing themselves more than any other race. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 60 percent of all suicides are firearm-related and 80 percent of firearm-related suicides are by white males. These men are older, uneducated and from an impoverished socioeconomic background. “Roughly 4 in 10 gun owners (38 percent)…

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Personas buenas anglosajonas

Traducido por Javier Aispuro “El anglosajon liberal y el supremacista blanco comparten los mismos postulados primordiales. Son diferentes en grado, no de categoría”. Esta frase de Lerone Bennett Jr. comienza el libro de Shannon Sullivan Good White People: The Problem with Middle-Class White Anti-Racism. Con esta frase, adopta una postura firme de análisis crítico sobre…

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