Bisbee 1000 hurts so good

The nine staircases added up to 1,034 steps. At Bisbee’s 28th annual Great Stair Climb on Oct. 20, there I stood. With less than two weeks’ notice, I was ordered to not only cover the Bisbee 1000, but participate in it. I’m not a runner and I did absolutely no training for this race. My…

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How does sexual assault impact minorities?

Nationwide studies of sexual assault indicate that racial minorities, transgender people and people with disabilities are targets of sexual violence at greater rates than the general population. The studies, conducted at universities, health centers and hospitals across the nation, all support one emergent truth: that sexual violence, and the harmful psychological impacts of it, fall…

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The epidemic of white male suicide

White men are killing themselves more than any other race. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 60 percent of all suicides are firearm-related and 80 percent of firearm-related suicides are by white males. These men are older, uneducated and from an impoverished socioeconomic background. “Roughly 4 in 10 gun owners (38 percent)…

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¿Por qué odiamos?

Traducido por Javier Aispuro.  Charlottesville. Orlando. Ferguson. Estos actos flagrantes de racismo y supremacía blanca de hoy en dia, similares a los de la era de los derechos civiles, elevaron el debate nacional sobre el odio. Obligaron a los estadounidenses a enfrentar nuevamente un par de preguntas incómodas: ¿por qué odiamos? ¿Y cómo lo detenemos?…

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