Southwest cuisine returns to its indigenous roots

Native American food has re-entered the mainstream palette. Today, fine dining menus infuse indigenous flavors and themes. And the trend is recognized nationally. CNN recently profiled six restaurants serving Native American-inspired meals, including Kai at the Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass in Phoenix. Kai has a 2018 Forbes Travel Guide Five Star rating. Kai’s…

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Las mujeres nativo-americanas tienen algo que decir

Caminando por las calles del centro durante La Marcha de Mujeres de Tucson, un grupo organizado de 200 personas sostenían carteles hechos a mano y gritaban, “¡Aún seguimos aquí”!  El grupo que se presentó el 21 de enero representó a más de 15 naciones indígenas desde Canadá y Alaska hasta México, aunque la mayoría fueron…

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An Artist Unmasked

  Louis David Valenzuela is not your average gem show vendor. His display at the American Indian Exhibition features handcrafted masks, paintings, and statues: a far cry from the smooth, shiny stones and sparkling purple amathysts spread across Tucson at the 41 different locations of the Gem and Mineral Showcase. Although Valenzuela’s booth is squeezed…

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