El exterminador de abejas en Bisbee

Todos hemos visto los dibujos animados. Un personaje loco, sacudiendo sus brazos y brincando a un lago para escapar de un enjambre de abejas. Debido a que los enjambres de abejas africanas se han estado esparciendo más al norte de los Estados Unidos, les daremos un consejo: manténgase lejos del agua. “Ahí las abejas te…

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The killer bee man of Bisbee

We’ve all seen the cartoon. Some loony character, flailing his arms, jumps into the lake to escape a swarm of raging bees. But since Africanized hives are spreading further north into the states, here’s some life advice: Don’t jump in water. “They’ll wait all day for you to come up and breathe,” said Reed Booth….

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Honey industry buzzing in Southern Arizona

Little has changed in the way beekeepers harvest honey in Arizona, but industry experts remain hopeful that the  state’s product is among the best.  “Honey stands alone from other sweeteners because it’s not something that man has to process,”   said Rey Simmons, owner of Simmons Honey Ranchito in Douglas. “It’s made by the bees…

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