The new role of the ‘abuela’

  In the Latino household, the abuela is the head of the house Her word is final and her wisdom is in demand. Today’s Latinas recognize the value of the grandmother, but are not seeing themselves in that role. They are focusing on going to college, pursing a career and making there lives all about…

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Arizona cultural theater takes the stage

Milta Ortiz, moved to Tucson with her husband solely to write the documentary drama play titled Más, about the banning of Mexican-American studies in the Tucson Unified School District. Ortiz, Borderland Theater’s marketing and outreach director, is passionately working with her husband, Marc Pinate, the theater’s producing director, to bring the theater centerstage to new…

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Photo Essay: Ambos Nogales

Both cities of Nogales, “Ambos Nogales,” rest side by side along the border between the United States and Mexico, and each day thousands of people cross the border and commerce is conducted across the border in various forms.  These two cities rest in two different countries, but the economies of both cities are intertwined.  All…

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