But the increase won’t impact existing students
Karin A Canedo Moreno, El Inde Arizona
The Arizona Board of Regents is considering a proposal that would increase tuition 3% for incoming students.
University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins announced on March 10 a proposal to increase tuition by 3% for residents and 4% for non-residents beginning in the fall.
For Arizona residents, tuition will increase from to $11,871 a year; non-residents would see a jump to $39,340.
Students already enrolled will not be affected due to the 2014 Guaranteed Tuition Program that fixes tuition rates for eight semesters.
“I am pleased that most of our students will not see an increase in tuition next year, and the increases for the incoming class are well below inflation rates to minimize impact,” said President Robbins in a written statement.
An official for the Office of Admission says that they haven’t received any calls from concerned parents or incoming students.
But some University of Arizona students are concerned about the constant increase of fees and tuition.
Psychology student Angel Gross thinks it correlates to the increase in prices for everything from rent to gas and groceries.
“I guess they’re just trying to keep up, too,” said Gross.
The Arizona Board of Regents on March 16 posted an announcement for a public hearing on the tuition proposal on the three main colleges in Arizona. The board also is looking at plans for subsequent tuition hikes from 2024-25 through the 2028-29 year.
According to UA News some of the increases in those years include 3% for undergraduate resident tuition, 3% for graduate resident tuition and 5% for academic fees.
“It may seem small, but it does add up, especially if you need to have a longer time here at the university and since they’re threatening to lower like the amount of financial aid that’s given and they’re making it more difficult to get financial aid,” said biochemistry student Yoneri Bueno-Diaz.
The public hearing will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. March 28 on Zoom. To watch the livestream join on https://www.azregents.edu/about/abor-live. To be part of the conversation, submit a form to https://asu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wxjC2sU6RjSpeiDYeaqjCw and you will get an email about how to join.
The Arizona Board of Regents is expected to vote on the proposals April 20.