La guerra de Glenn

SIERRA VISTA – Glenn Spencer es un general que lucha en una guerra de un solo hombre. Es una guerra que, según él, el gobierno estadounidense no quiere pero que está obligado a hacer. Su campo de batalla es la frontera y sus soldados son aviones teledirigidos, guiados por sismógrafos. Es un impulso casi fanático…

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Why do we hate?

These modern-day, blatant acts of racism and white supremacy — akin to those of the civil rights era — elevated the national debate surrounding hate. They forced Americans to again confront a couple uncomfortable questions: why do we hate? And how do we stop it?  

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The Anonymity of Hate

A man going under the alias Brian sits behind his computer as he anonymously posts “I’m going to kill every last … Muslim & Jew on the entire planet,” to his website White supremacists and hate groups alike are now using the Internet as a forum to post their ideologies with like-minded people. And…

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