Future of immigration and discrimination

President Donald Trump has reopened the closet for racial expression in America. With Arizona’s close proximity to the border, however, racial issues among immigrants is nothing new. In the last 10 months, the Trump administration has proposed a list of anti-immigration laws including, the wall between Mexico and United States, the removal of DACA, pardoning…

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Glenn’s War

SIERRA VISTA — Glenn Spencer is a general fighting a one-man war. It’s a war that, according to him, the American government doesn’t want but one he is duty-bound to wage.  His battlefield is the border and his soldiers are drones, guided by seismographs. He has an almost-fanatical drive to develop a cheaper, more-secure system…

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Estafo del salario de las mujeres

Traducido por: Vanessa Ponce Ayala   Dieciocho centavos. Esa es la diferencia entre una mujer y un hombre que trabajan en Arizona. Según datos del Instituto de Investigación sobre Políticas para la Mujer  (IIPM, por sus siglas en ingles) del proyecto Estado de la Mujer en los Estados, Arizona ocupa el lugar 17 de 51,…

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