Takoyaki on the streets of Tucson

By Sebastian Janik/El Inde The smell of food hangs in the air during the Tucson Meet Yourself also known as Tucson Eat Yourself festival. The temperature drops below 90 degrees and the breeze carries the delicious smells of cooking from all different parts of the world. Tacos, Roasted Corn, Raspados and Japanese street food. Sebastian…

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Modern-day metaphysical: The Ninth House

By Bellah Nelson/El Inde Over 50 years ago, Ann Stewart, a 47-year old teacher from Flowing Wells, Arizona, was fired for allegedly teaching witchcraft to her high school English students. Stewart had long ash-blonde hair and a widow’s peak—a V-shaped hairline that is passed on genetically. Her eyes were blueish-green and her favorite colors to…

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Boyd’s Fight For 15 achieves success

By Jacob Mennuti/El Inde Fight For 15 campaign manager, C.J. Boyd, used to bike to work in the treacherous snowstorms of Chicago, working at a bar that paid less than minimum wage with tips.  Working minimum wage jobs for almost his whole life while also fueling his aspiring career as a musician, Boyd moved to…

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