The exceptional difficulty of prosecuting rape

  Sexual assault remains the most underreported and underprosecuted violent crime in the United States. Of the small fraction of incidents that are reported, even fewer incidents actually result in investigations, charges and convictions. “It’s extremely underreported, both on and off campus,” said Rene Hernandez, police officer and crime prevention specialist at the University of…

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Sexual harassment movement sparks start-ups

  Social media brought the #MeToo movement to life, but the creation of start-ups combating sexual harassment in the workplace might be the final outcome. Startups, such as AllVoices, provide anonymous reports and data to companies that could face sexual harassment in the workplace. By providing these anonymous reports, companies can address the problem before…

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Machismo:  Is this the beginning of the end?

For generations, the term machismo has been widespread and instilled among Latino families. This “norm,” defined by Merriam-Webster as “an exaggerated or exhilarating sense of power or strength,” is accepted and expected from men. But critics say it violates women’s educational, political and sexual rights. Often, Latinas are expected to fulfill and prioritize their roles as wives…

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