Mexican border centers give migrants resting place

NOGALES, Sonora –  Within the Albergue para Migrantes San Juan Bosco, adorned by Virgin Mary shrines and migrant-rights posters, hides rows of bunk beds filled with migrants resting after their journeys to and from the United States. Since 1982, Juan Francisco Loureiro and his wife, Gilda, have provided food, shelter and clothing to thousands of…

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Poor Mexican gas quality myth debunked

Nogales, Sonora — Victor Carrasco, a personal trainer from Nogales, Sonora, commutes to sister city Nogales, Arizona, to buy gasoline for his Chevrolet Silverado. “The gasoline in Mexico is not good because it ruins cars,” Carrasco said. “I prefer American gasoline because of its quality and durability.” Carrasco isn’t the only person from Mexico who…

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